Sunday Services:

8.30am Holy Communion

(First Sunday in the Month)

10.30am Morning Worship

(Includes a Crèche, “Excited” for primary school and for young people year 6 to 9+, except for the first Sunday in the month when we join together for All Age Worship)

3.30pm “Messy Church”

(see Notices/Calendar for dates). This is a popular service for families with Primary Aged Children, to book a place or for more information contact: [email protected]

6.30pm Evening Worship

Introduction to the Christian Faith:Alpha

The Alpha Course & Youth Alpha

We regularly present these highly successful courses for people interested in knowing more about the Christian faith, (see our Alpha page).

House Groups:

Our number of Home Bible Study and Fellowship Groups is ever increasing, however the majority are listed below:

Tuesday Morning

A ladies group growing together through various bible studies.

Tuesday Afternoon

A mixed group, with members from around our neighbourhood following various bible studies.

Tuesday Evening In Conjunction With Willerby

Bible study, testimony and social activities held jointly with friends from Willerby Methodist Church.
A mixed group following various bible studies.

Wednesday Evening House Group

A mixed group following various bible studies.

Thursday Evening House Group

A mixed group following various bible studies.

Events for Men:

Men’s Breakfast

Saturdays (2nd & 4th in the month) 8am – 9:30am, at Costa near Springfield Way. All men are welcome, just bring your bible!


Prayer Meeting (weekly on Tuesday at 9.15am and when necessary)

Prayer for our churches, communities and our world.


Music Group (1st & 3rd Monday)

Music, singing, practice and fellowship.


(Term Time Only)

Anlaby Park Methodist Pre-School Group

Monday to Friday 9.15am-12.15pm (to 3.15pm Tuesday) (Term Time Only)
A friendly, welcoming Pre-school for children aged between 2 and 5 years. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum in a relaxed, happy environment where children learn through play. OFSTED approved, for further details please contact Dawn Sharpe 01482 569404 am 07986 577570 pm.

Toddler Group

This group meets every Wednesday afternoon from 1.30 – 3.00 during term time. It is run by a team of volunteers and caters for preschool children and their carers. It is a time when the children can enjoy playing together with a variety of toys and their carers can enjoy swapping news with each other. We always have some refreshments and end the afternoon with everyone singing nursery rhymes.

Young People:


Connect is for young people in year 9 and above.
Connect meets every other Friday (see calendar for dates) between 7 and 9pm in Ignition Coffee.

Youth Band

Youth Band is for young people with an interest in music, in school Year 6 and above.
Led by members of the youth team to rehearse Christian Worship music and develop musicianship. 6.30 – 7:45 pm (2nd & 4th Monday).

Youth Club

Anlaby Park Youth Club is intended for young people of school Year 6 and above.
The club normally meet every Friday evening in term time from 7 – 9 pm.and offers a variety of activities.

Girl Guiding Organisation at Anlaby Park

To register an interest in joining any of the groups, please apply through the Girl Guiding website on and look under Parents

Rainbows, Aged 5 – 7

(Tuesdays) Developing through learning, laughing and fun.

Brownies, Aged 7 – 10

(Tuesday & Wednesday) An adventure – it’s a world of excitement, new interests and friends.

Guides, Aged 10 – 14

(Tuesdays) Enjoy the arts, outdoor activities and make new friends.


Wives Group

The Wives group meet weekly during term time on a Thursday evening at 8.00pm. They usually have a guest speaker who gives a talk on a wide variety of subjects or activities of interest to ladies. During the summer months of July and August the group holds coffee evenings in some of the member’s homes. Each year the wives group adopt a charity to support with several fundraising events held throughout the year.

Wednesday Luncheon Club

Each Wednesday there is a welcome for anyone who is looking for some friendship and company, over lunch. We are open from mid-day and lunch is served at 1.00pm – a cooked two course meal costing just £3.50. There are other occasional activities running on into the afternoon which normally finishes around 3pm. Table games are always available.  We normally meet in the Trinity Room. For more information send us an email enquiry (see contact us page).